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How Do I View My Family's Browsing History?

You can view the entire list of websites accessed by your children in your Mobicip account. Login to Mobicip Parent app > Menu > Activity in the left panel.

First page shows a summary of the most visited websites and related pie chart. You can choose to view activity by day, week or a specific date range.  

Tap on 'All Browsing History' option at the bottom to view detailed reports.

Next page shows the entire list of websites accessed - with details about the device on which it was accessed; profile assigned to that device and the category under which the specific website fell.

The green tick icon means that the website was allowed for viewing and the red block icon means it was blocked.

You can filter by profile name, device and type (allowed/blocked websites). Tap on filter in the above panel, choose your preference and then tap on the ‘x’ icon at the right top corner.

Reports will be displayed according to your selected preference.

You can also sort the list by Child name, Category and Time (most recent access will be displayed first by default).

 NOTE: You can have these reports emailed to you on a daily/weekly basis. Learn More