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Troubleshoot Mobicip on iOS 15+
It appears that you've hit a roadblock! Check the FAQs below.
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Apple’s Screen Time cannot be enabled when there are restrictions or device management profiles installed in the device by Mobicip app or any other parental control app.
To remove the restrictions or device management profiles,
- Delete the app from the device.
- Manually delete the device management profiles from the settings of the device.
Apple’s Screen Time requires the end users to authorize third party apps to access their screen time information.
So you need to give permission for Mobicip, to access your child’s screen time information and to apply screen time limits, otherwise we will not be able to report screen time or limit screen usage.
Apple’s screen time data can be used by only one app at a time. You may get this error if you have granted permission to another app, to use Apple's Screen Time. Please revoke the permission and try again.
How to revoke the permission ?
Permission can be revoked by either uninstalling the apps or from the screen time settings page in the device as shown below. Toggle the buttons against the app for which the permission has to be revoked